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Showing posts from December, 2015
"Do You want your child to LEAD or  FOLLOW ? CONFIDENCE is the KEY AND  We can Help : " Being Bullied Better focus Self Discipline More exercise

Significance of Christ and Christmas tree.

The  Significance of Christ’s  Resurrection.  ...  Christians  are not authorized to celebrate Easter as a special annual event acknowledging the resurrection of  Christ .  ...  The  History of Christmas Trees . The evergreen fir tree  has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and  Christian ) for thousands of years. Pagans used branches of it to decorate their homes during the winter solstice, as it made them think of the spring to come.

A Christmas Wishes from Pre primary students.

Santa is really the only cultural icon we have who's male, does not carry a gun, and is all about peace, joy, giving, and caring for other people. That's part of the magic for me, especially in a culture where we've become so commercialized and hooked into manufactured icons. Santa is much more organic, integral, connected to the past, and therefore connected to the future. Happiness — May your life be filled with joy and happiness and may each new day bring you moments to cherish. Love — On this joyous day, and throughout the new year, may your life be filled with an abundance of love. Fulfillment –Merry Christmas and may you live a long and happy life filled with goodwill and friendship. Peace — May this new year bring you peace and tranquility, and as you walk your path may it bring you contentment. Prosperity –On this joyous day, and throughout the coming year, may your life be filled with good luck and prosperity. Friendship — I hope you know how much I...

Christmas Party of School

"Christmas is a Christian festival. Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian faith, was born on   25 December .  Hence the day is observed as the 'Christmas Day' in order to commemorate Christ's birth. It is a great day also for the children, who sing the carol, which is a Christmas hymn in chorus in memory of Christ's birth.  They fervently look for Santa Claus or the Father Christmas who is supposed to appear to distribute attractive gifts to the children on the day.  Santa Claus dress­es himself in red and white, wears white and long false beard, and carry a bag full of presents for the children."

Students of secondary section Wishing Merry Christmas...

Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate the love of  God  and family and to create memories that will last  forever.  Jesus is God's perfect, indescribable gift.  The amazing  thing is that not only are we able to receive this gift, but  we are able to share it with others on Christmas and  every other day of the year.

School takes Utmost Care.

" At tender age of 2, Individual Care,Trust,Love,Warmth are necessary and School takes Utmost Care.   The primary USP of S E International School is individual attention to each child. Our faculty is on a first name basis with your child, which allows an excellent student-teacher rapport. We strongly believe in empowering our children with the latest inventions in education with the help of growing science and technology.

Importance of Tab based education

TAB :-  School has adopted visual, Digital medium of imparting lesson plans, Color PPts, Notes, short 2/3 mins videos. Related to syllabus are used by teachers on TABs.  Students come to school with TAB and get syllabus, Notes, Ppts, Videos recorded on their tabs.   Leaving traditional method of teaching visual digital mediums are extensively used in schools. School has firm belief that next generation language of expressions will be of “CODE”- All around the world work will be done through ‘APPs’- On this belief school has made TAB compulsion for  Children to Secondary Section-Age group:-  11 +

School Premise is secured by CCTV.

CCTV:- School premise is secured by CCTV. This takes care for Innocence of Children. They are told that in  Life  we have two Roads to follow-"GOOD & BAD".   You are always watched by someone, with a training of philosophy of Good & Bad and Eye watching them, stops them to do Bad or follow Bad path.  Once they practise it, this becomes habit to follow only "GOOD PATH". 

S . E. International School

About Us S E International School is one of the fastest growing tech savvy school of Mumbai. Our faculty is on a first name basis with your child, which allows an excellent student-teacher rapport.  We strongly believe in empowering our children with the latest inventions in education with the help of growing science and technology.  We have tab-based education, which allows children to come to school without bags- stress free. 24 x 7 online support system with Visual Animated videos,explaining concepts of each Lesson. We are proud to be a tech-savvy school and promote education with the help of fully equipped computerized classrooms thanks to our tie-up with Educomp.  The SEIS family believes in imparting premier education to the upcoming generation and encourage them to become wealth creators. Contact Details: Website: Facebook: Twitter:  @ SEISchoo...