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School has adopted visual, Digital medium of imparting lesson plans.

School has firm belief that next generation language of expressions will be of “CODE”- All around the world work will be done through ‘APPs’- On this belief school has made TAB compulsion for  Children to Secondary Section-Age group:-  11+.

Our Uniqueness: cctv in classroom & school bus, Big screen with projector and animated educational contents from licensed MNCs, Hands on experience on TABs, field trip, Socio dramatic events, Seminars, debates, workshops, photos, activities of events on social media platforms, sports day, annual day, on line fees payments & MCB 24 x7 apps.

In Pre Primary, as tender age kids need individual care, trust and warmth: school takes utmost care with Air cond. Classrooms, Teachers / students ratio is maintained at 1.15. Facility of toy library is available.

For std Vth to std VIII TABs to each individual student in classroom is provided for ease of learning. Digital learning over text books will be extended to std Xth in next two years Less weight of school bag- or no school bag to carry. Next generation language of coding & decoding, with knowledge of search engines, thousands of colorful lesson plan videos and PPts, exposure is given. TABs have child lock and limited access is ensured by 'RAPPLES' -MNC service provider to school.


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