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Make in India - School role

Our Government and Prime Minister celebrate 'Make in India' movement .But it is not easy unless we all work hard to support the move.
Our responsibility,skill,perfection and competitive awareness in world are complicated scene. We need good infrastructure, speed, technology, funds, sincerity and accountability.
Robot technology, prototypes, blocks the way for mass employment opportunities. Till now government policies are more inclined towards protectionism. There is no penalty for no work or slow work or non productivity. We can not look for human employment in competition  to machine that works as robot  with better quality assurances and competitiveness.
Recent interview of Vivek Wadhwa to BBC,- ref. Hindustan Times;- expressed clear threat that new kind of industrial revolution is coming, one that does not require lot of human. In a decade or two artificial intelligence will do almost all work that human beings do. We are heading towards jobless future.
Just think of GOOGLE's  driver less  cars; one smart phone is good enough to be an ECG machine, Software Apps. are required. Jobs will be available to only those talents who can make such applications and improve on them; making robots to smooth running of applications and supervision. We need talent and education to compete this need. Here School and its education patterns, behavior, student confidence, leadership quality will play a major role.
Strikes, Protests, Mob mentality, at office, service centers, factories  are big challenges against discipline and growth with will power and education in right direction.
We are far behind with comparison with other nations in skills development. We lack specialized skills required  by industries and hence need to induce thirst in youth to acquire. Everybody can not be doctor,engineer, chartered accountant, Lawyer; but required minimum skills for one's livelihood must be acquired by the time he completes schooling, keeping in view family trade   & social requirement. There is a common philosophy in U S A and Europe highly placed & educated persons' children  know basics  to serve himself & to his  family  handling equipment, and services including plumbing, electrical. air conditioning etc by the time he is 18 +. Education system also supports this and make them self reliant.
S E International School has already started working in this directions. Students are trained here to learn  themselves by use of Computer, Google search and TABs.


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