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Need of extra curricular activities in school for students

Academics play an important part of each student's school years, since the grades of school decides the admission in good college. Parent spend lot of time and money and encourage child to learn more  and play less. They believe that devoting great deal of time to studying guarantees success in future.

Play way learning

However there is another playful component of a well-rounded education Outside  the regular academic program- that also plays positive impact on students' success. Extra Curricular Activities such as basket ball, kabaddi, cricket, chess, yoga, martial art, drama, debate  can, - 'round out'  student in great effect.

Besides watching T V , and way of socializing with child, extra curricular activities enhances  students' time management, stress management, skills, improve over all productivity. His leadership quality, co operation. adjusting other's point of view, tricks of getting work done improves.

Role Play- real life learning experience

Study shows that student with extra curricular activities have develop power of striking more times, can manage their time better, relieve stress and are better placed in society. They master art to work in group and get results. The written and oral communication improves. These thing count in 'Real Life'.

There is no failing or loosing in extra curricular activities, but you learn the art of striking again with different trick. Guarantee of learning even if you loose. These is very important in 'Real Life'.

Adding extra curricular activities, program to school is tricky. Due to academic requirements, family time, social activities and money costs, extra curricular activities comes under conflict and gets last priority in School as well as among Parents.

Students who participate in extra curricular activities will see an improvement in their academic and life skills, including discipline, goal setting, team work, accountability and responsibility. They will discover themselves better placed outside class rooms, which would help them cope up with future challenges of work place.


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