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School that plants seed for innovations.

School can only improve if government or management embraces new ideas. Schools at large have limited resources. When resources are scarce, then problem is to solve ideas that work in the real world.

Schools and educationalist worry that children do not seem to learn much. Study shows that private unaided schools out perform government or government aided schools. Task is to bring social and environmental change to world.

Through research, education and experimental learning we can strengthen capacity of individuals to solve complex problems.
Private unaided schools are expensive. Teachers are trained with workshops. They are constantly supervised and supported by design team experts. Curriculum is constantly upgraded and improved. Students are eager to learn and teacher are motivated to teach.
While in sharp contrast:
Government or government aided schools, principal and teachers patch  up sick leaves of teachers, with substitute teachers. The whole set up is to show on paper the  completion of syllabus.

Child of a blue collar home- parent understand that education could be their pathway of success.

It disappoints when few media reporters and few notorious element  from society, look to private schools as threat. And this would be a great loss to current children who are benefitted from innovative ideas. Imagine instead, if government schools, embraces innovative ideas and improve their performance, the entire community will be benefitted. The seed that teachers plant in child at early age will definitely bloom if nurtured by parent and social environment.
Lesson to learn:
Government authority and media should work on how to improve quality of public services and have a, 'WINNER CALL', let competition among social entrepreneurs like education, health and environment happen. Every one will benefit with new ideas from this competitive business and social world.


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