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Why Parents prefer Private Schools?

The comparison of private and Govt. schools will go on forever. Both the sides have their advantages and disadvantages. Many feel that the Private institutes are better than Govt. institutes. This blog tries and gives you a clear explanation of why this maybe true.

Private schools have better infrastructure and maintenance for the physical and mental development of the child. The infrastructure facilities can help them have practical approach to education. Private schools maintain better hygiene and environment, impart education with the help of the fast moving technology and e-learning along with images captured on presentations.

Private schools' management is quick on decision making and can easily seek the advice of experts of the field. Management has a vision of growth and is innovative in its approach.

Govt. schools are affordable and provide minimum required infrastructure and also studies of basic needs. Services that are provided free or at a basic fee do not encourage healthy competition among students and teachers which is otherwise necessary for success and growth in today's generation.

Poor attendance of teachers, no accountability, poor working condition, no motivation, lack of supervision confirmed job security. delays in decision making are some of the reasons why a parent loses interest in Govt. Schools. No punishment for non-performance leads to nowhere.

The "Chalta Hai" attitude does not help in evolution.
It is private schools which wins the race. They take more fees as they have to be self reliant and do not have any other source of revenue other than fees.

But for those who cannot afford private schools, Govt. Schools are better than no schooling.


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