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Why do parent send child to school- child is better trained by teachers (experts of the profession)

Parents are the first teacher to the child. But to keep child at home, will not make the child capable to face the world real problems. Parents can teach the child only what they know. Child will perform better if sent to expert for education.

Parents have limited knowledge on child psychology.  Child behavior, group performance  and  association with other kids are required for child to be able to face life real problems.

Teachers at school have expertise knowledge, professionally they have passion towards teaching and deal with children. They are expert in dealing at different level of children. They know child mood, make children involved in projects. Teachers have experience in getting work from  children.

Parents also have their other daily issues. Taking out time and patience would be difficult to give justice to child development and enthusiasm about gaining knowledge. Child have lot of energy and thirst to know any new thing he notices.

Child also opens up with his teacher easily. To get training from professional is always better. Parents can never be professional with their child.

Children also need to have exposure of outer world. Pressure and Stressful school days are important in life of child. School also gives opportunities to child to keep track with other children. Up to the age of 5, it is possible to have home education, but after the age of 5, legally each child has right to have formal school education. Parents  have to be alert in government compliances, if the child is not put to formal education stream.

Daily time table,  time keeping , discipline, sports, projects, debate, challenging task, give child enough training for real world problems.

Child all round developments can only be attended by teachers from different expertise. School offers teachers of different subjects, skills, at regular intervals. Children from different background study in one class. They adjust with children of other background, religion and culture. During schooling years of 12 to 13 years, child learns many life lessons over and above academics. School gives these opportunities to each child.


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